Rules of Engagement

General Rules

  • If you are an Elder or Co-Leader, please do the following:

    • Ensure newcomers are welcomed and suggest people join the discord.

    • Swearing is allowed but being rude and insulting anyone is not tolerated – boot these people immediately.

    • Promote anyone who maxed Clan Games to Elder.

  • Giving CO is extremely rare and only given to people we know in real life or to people that have been around for a very long time and proved dependable.

  • We strongly encouraged each member to donate and to request any troops needed.

  • Wars will always be going and ONLY way to get into league clan war is to use normal war attacks and do well.

  • Strongly encouraged to save war machines for war attacks and not use them for farming fights.

How do I get Elder?

Elder can be earned by:

  • Donating so much that you stand out in the donation list.

  • Maxing out clan challenges during Clan Games.

  • Consistently uses both attacks in war well. Should be 3-star or 85% or more damage with 2-star.

War Rules


  • Second place in war will take 1&2. Everyone else needs to attack down and attack for 3 stars.

  • Bottom 5 need to attack within 4 hours of war starting. This gives us time to see what cleanup needs to be done.

  • The goal for middle attacks is 3 stars. Wait at least 4 hours to attack so bottom has time. Do not attack across or up unless you are very sure you will 3 star. Look at the 3 bases under yours and pick safe bases you are very confident about 3 starring. If there are none you can look lower and if everything lower is done you can attack up. In this case, do your best and aim for 2 stars (Overrun the TH + 50%).

  • Scout the bases around you and watch replays if they have them. Plan the best attack for the base (not the attack you usually do, the best for that base).

  • Your War CC should have troops specific to your attack – do not use ANY when requesting, say “War attack” as the message and specify max troops for the attack.

  • Ask in clan chat for advice on attacks if you are unsure of your best option.

  • Defensive War CCs are filled with a variety of max troops by VoidedSmile, and SlingStone.

  • If you feel your best attack is against a lower 1 starred base, confirm with a CO that it’s OK to do clean up attacks. ONLY do this if you expect a 3 star.

Clan War Leagues

  • Only CO’s and Elders will participate

  • USE YOUR ATTACK,total stars generated will help with the total clan rewards at the end.

  • Defensive War CCs are filled with a variety of max troops by VoidedSmile, and SlingStone.

  • Your War CC should have troops specific to your attack – do not use ANY when requesting, say “War attack” as the message and specify max troops for the attack.

  • You only get one attack!

  • Players should be looking to attack across. 1 attacks 1, 3 attacks 3.

  • Bottom players need to attack within 4 hours of war starting.

  • If a base has been zero starred below you, attack down 1 rather than across.

Clan Capital

With the clan capital being released and everyone working together towards a unified goal, we will need to organize contributions better than normal.


  • Where should I put my contribution?

    • Your contribution should be made towards building structures that have already been startedandNOT on new ones, to upgrade current buildings. They will be organized by largest contribution to smallest to make it feel faster for us. If you are unsure where to place your contribution, ask the chat.

  • When are raids?

    • Raid Weekends are expected to begin every Friday and will end on the following Monday. Time is TBD and will be entered once we know.

  • Who and when do I attack during a raid?

    • Since TH aren’t taken into account, we suggest the newer clanmates attack sooner but avoid 3 starring if you’ve already done so during that raid. Each player will have 5 attacks over the course of the entire Raid Weekend. If a player manages to destroy a District, you will earn a one-time reward of a Bonus Attack. You can earn only ONE Bonus Attack per Raid Weekend.

  • Can I edit the camps and Capital peak?

    • No, let us edit the bases. That being said, your input and opinions are strongly recommended.